Left Handed Kids Golf Clubs
251 productsLeft Handed Kids Golf Clubs
Lots of Equipment Options for Left Handed Junior Golfers
In the past, many left handed golfers had to learn the game of golf on the “right” side because of the lack of equipment available for left handed golfers. Not any more! Golf club equipment manufacturers have stepped up their game and you can find a ton of kids left handed golf clubs in all colors and sizes – but many stores just don’t carry them. That’s why we specialize in left handed golf clubs for kids.
How Do I Know if My Child Will Golf Left or Right Handed?
If you know your child is left handed, its likely he or she will also golf left handed. Learning the game of golf is much more fun and interesting for children when they are taught to play with their dominant hand. If you try to teach him with his non-dominant hand, your child will get frustrated and is likely to give up before they see much success. If you're not sure which hand your child prefers, we recommend purchasing just one club (preferably a 7 iron) of his/her dominant hand and see how your child responds to playing on that side of the ball. This will be a minimal investment for you if he / she wants to switch sides.